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Infix -> postfix translator in antlr4

I need to define the semantic actions required to translate infix notation to postfix notation by embedding semantic actions as Java code in the g4 grammar file.

For example, when I try to input "a + b * c", I want it to print out a b c * +. But mine is: a b + c *

It happens only when there are * and /

This is my grammar file

grammar Simple;
// productions for syntax analysis
start returns [String node]: e=expr  <EOF>              {$node = $e.node;};

expr returns [String node]: t=term r=rest               {$node = $t.node + " " + $r.node;};

rest returns [String node]: '*' t=term r=rest           {$node = $t.node + " " + $r.node + "*" ;}
                          | '/' t=term r=rest           {$node = $t.node + " " + $r.node + "/" ;}
                          | '+' t=term r=rest           {$node = $t.node + "+"  + $r.node ;}
                          | '-' t=term r=rest           {$node = $t.node + "-" + $r.node   ;}
                          |                              {$node = " ";};

term returns [String node]: '(' e=expr ')'              {$node = $e.node;}
                           |Id                          {$node = $Id.text;}
                           | Num                        {$node = $Num.text;};

// productions for lexical analysis
Id  : [a-z]+ ;
Num : [0-9]+ ;
WS  : (' ' | '\t' | '\r'| '\n'|) -> skip;

This is my main file

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;

public class SimpleMain {
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
        CharStream charStream =  CharStreams.fromFileName("src/test.expression");
        SimpleLexer lexer = new SimpleLexer(charStream);
        SimpleParser parser = new SimpleParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
        String postfix = parser.start().node; /* Run translator */


  • I'm not really sure what you're attempting to accomplish with the (op) t=term r=rest style of rules. They won't match the infix operator syntax you have specified for your input. (It looks a bit like it might be a mis-translation from a non-antler grammar, but I'd just be guessing)

    First, a couple of things to watch out for:

    • empty rule alternatives:
    rest returns [String node]: '*' t=term r=rest           {$node = $t.node + " " + $r.node + "*" ;}
                              | '/' t=term r=rest           {$node = $t.node + " " + $r.node + "/" ;}
                              | '+' t=term r=rest           {$node = $t.node + "+"  + $r.node ;}
                              | '-' t=term r=rest           {$node = $t.node + "-" + $r.node   ;}
                              |                              {$node = " ";};  // 

    The last alternative is empty and will match "nothing". This can be used to indicate that the contents of a rule may be optional, but you don't want that here.

    WS  : (' ' | '\t' | '\r'| '\n'|) -> skip; 

    The |) creates an empty alternative and ANTLR warns you that this is not a good idea in a Lexer rule. WS: [ \t\r\n] -> skip; makes this simpler.

    • You also need to understand that ANTLR uses the order of alternatives to establish precedence in expressions and, that it's best to have the "terminal" expression nodes in the expr rule itself, as they are, indeed exprs. Because alternatives establish precedence, you'll want '*' and '/' in the same alternative as they have the same precedence (same for '+' and '-')

    With those things in mind, This seems to give the correct output:

    grammar Simple
    // productions for syntax analysis
        returns[String node]: e = expr <EOF> {$node = $e.node;};
        returns[String node]
        : lhs = expr op = ('*' | '/') rhs = expr 
            {$node = $lhs.node + " " + $rhs.node + " " + $op.text ; }
        | lhs = expr op = ('+' | '-') rhs = expr 
            {$node = $lhs.node + " "  + $rhs.node + " " + $op.text ; }
        | '(' e = expr ')' {$node = $e.node;}
        | Id {$node = $Id.text;}
        | Num {$node = $Num.text;}
        returns[String node]
        : '(' e = expr ')' {$node = $e.node;}
        | Id {$node = $Id.text;}
        | Num {$node = $Num.text;}
    // productions for lexical analysis 
    Id:  [a-z]+;
    Num: [0-9]+;
    WS:  [ \t\r\n] -> skip;

    output for a + b * c is a b c * +

    And output for a + b * c / d is a b c * d / +