I want to format French phone number on input. For example if inputed
0XXXXXXXXX need transform to 0X XX XX XX XX , which one I already achieved with replace:
.replace(/\B(?=(\d{2})+(?!\d))/g, " ");
But I also want to format if number starts with +33
+33XXXXXXXXX need transform to +33 X XX XX XX XX
How can I achieve that? note: I need it in same input
firstly, add to your expression a negative lookbehind for +3 (?<!\+3)
so it should not add a space after the +3
secondly, add another option with a logical OR operator |
with a positive lookbehind for +33 \B(?<=\+33)
so the final result will be:
.replace(/\B(?=(\d{2})+(?!\d))(?<!\+3)|\B(?<=\+33)/g, " ");