I need some help getting the jquery cycle plugin to work as below:
Basically, I use pager and not left/right buttons. I need to slide from right to left when clicking on a forward pager item and to slide in reverse(from left to right) when clicking on a previous pager item.
My setup is basic, as on http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/ .
It might be a simple one but I could not find a way to do it yet.
if (jQuery.isFunction(jQuery.fn.cycle)) {
fx: 'scrollLeft',
pager: '#titleindicators',
pagerAnchorBuilder: paginate,
timeout: 5000
function paginate(ind, el)
return '<a href="#'+ ind +'"> </a>';
I tried using onPagerEvent with no luck:
var cs=0;
function onClicky(zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement){
$('.mycarousel').cycle({fx: 'scrollLeft'});
$('.mycarousel').cycle({fx: 'scrollRight'});
cs = zeroBasedSlideIndex;
Otherwise, the plugin works ok but it's really annoying to click on a previous pager item and see it coming in like it's moving forward.
Change the fx property to 'scrollHorz' (or 'scrollVert' if you want to move in the vertical direction).