This problem that I'm facing is common for me and I want to learn for about best practices.
My problem is:
I have to wait a text which has an attribute of ".title" class and the text involves the statement of: "Hello". Before triggering this element to come to surface, we have an element already have attributes of ".title" which have a text of "StatementX" as well (At the end of the process, I have 2 ".title" class items on screen).
When I tried to wait for the element "Hello", I write:
Since "StatementX" is already on the screen, Cypress finds ".title" class and does not check "contains" part. What is the best practice to handle such cases?
Thank you so much
If you move the class .title
into command .contains()
it will focus solely on the element you wish to test, i.e two criteria will be tested in one command call and it will find the specific element.
cy.contains('.title', 'Hello').should('be.visible')