I have been successfully using python with elasticsearch-dsl (https://elasticsearch-dsl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/search_dsl.html#) and composite aggregations for some time now but have come across a problem I can't solve. The data I'm querying is asset data for multiple organizations and consists of one row for each asset. Each row includes two dates (scan_date and timestamp) for each asset and I need the search result to give me the maximum of (timestamp - scan_date), i.e., the oldest "scan_age," for each organization. In SQL terms:
SELECT organization, MAX(timestamp - scan_date) as oldest_scan_age
FROM database
GROUP BY organization
The elasticsearch-dsl library includes the function script_fields() to define calculated fields, but from what I've read (and tried) I can't perform aggregations on script fields. The elasticsearch feature I need seems to be "runtime fields" but elasticsearch-dsl does not appear to provide a function I can call to specify a runtime field. If such a function existed, I could call it to define a new field called "scan_age" then find its maximum by agency using a standard composite aggregation.
How can I perform this query using elasticsearch-dsl?
Please note that (1) I already know how to do this using the JSON syntax typically associated with querying elasticsearch. What I'm looking for is how to do it in elasticsearch-dsl. (2) I would happily create my own JSON to define just the runtime field if I had a way to use it programatically to modify my elasticsearch-dsl search object.
There is a pull request to add support to runtime fields, here:
You can define the runtime field in the mappings, and then just run a regular aggregation using the DSL.
PUT my-index-000001/
"mappings": {
"runtime": {
"oldest_scan_age": {
"type": "date",
"script": {
"source": "emit(your_field_logic)"
"properties": {
"@timestamp": {"type": "date"}
There is an answer that shows how to work with date max:
Let me know if it worked or you need more help