Search code examples

Cannot remove hidden class from child element

My code is displaying shoes based on certain conditions and there's always a best fit shoe from the displayed products. There is a <div class="best-tag hidden">Best Fit</div> element under each displayed product. What I want to do is if the displayed product has the best-fit class, then the code should remove the hidden class from the div mentioned above. Can somebody help out with this?

The code I currently wrote is:

  const hiddenBesttag = document.getElementsByClassName('item-container')
  const hiddenPurple = document.getElementsByClassName('best-tag')
  for(const child of hiddenBesttag.children) {
    if (child.classList.contains('best-fit')) {
        console.log('has best-fit')

The HTML part is the following:

 <div class="item-container" data-min="{{ minsec }}" data-max="{{ maxsec }}">
   <div class="best-tag hidden">Best Fit</div>
   <a href="{{ product.url }}">
     <div class="image-container">
       <img src="{{ product.featured_image | image_url }}">
     <div class="detail-container">
       <div class="title">{{ product.title }}</div>
       <div class="min-minute"> {% assign min_minutes =  minsec | divided_by: 60.00 | floor  %} {% assign min_minutes_seconds =  min_minutes | times: 60.00 | round  %} <span>{{ min_minutes }}:{{ minsec | minus: min_minutes_seconds | round }}</span> - {% assign max_minutes =  maxsec | divided_by: 60.00 | floor  %} {% assign max_minutes_seconds =  max_minutes | times: 60.00 | round  %}<span>{{ max_minutes }}:{{ maxsec | minus: max_minutes_seconds | round }}</span>
     <div class="minskm-text">
       <span>MINS PER KM</span>

The whole code is the following:

    dots: false,
    infinite: false,
    speed: 300,
    slidesToShow: 3,
    slidesToScroll: 1

const allProducts = document.querySelectorAll(`.product-container .slick-track [data-min]`)
document.querySelector(`#range2`).addEventListener("change", slowHideProduct);

  function range(start, end, step = 1) {
    const len = Math.floor((end - start) / step) + 1
    return Array(len).fill().map((_, idx) => start + (idx * step))
  function intersect(a, b) {
    return a.filter(Set.prototype.has, new Set(b));

  function slowHideProduct(e){
    let selectedElements = [];
    let sliderInterval = [];
    let productTimeframe = [];
    let bestfitlist = [];
    const currentVal = parseInt(;
    for(let elem of allProducts) {
        const minsec = parseFloat(elem.dataset.min || 0);
        const maxsec = parseFloat(elem.dataset.max || 0);
        console.log("min sec" , minsec)
        console.log("max sec", maxsec)

        let sliderInterval = [...range(currentVal - 30,currentVal + 30,5)];
        let productTimeframe = [...range(minsec,maxsec,5)];
        let intersectionOfTime = intersect(sliderInterval,productTimeframe);


        if(intersectionOfTime.length > 0) {
        } else if(selectedElements.length == 0 && maxsec < Math.max(...sliderInterval)){
        } else {
          sliderInterval = [];
          productTimeframe = [];

        const allSliders = document.querySelectorAll(`.item-container `);
        for(let elem of allSliders) {
    const bestFitDisplay = bestfitlist.indexOf(Math.max(...bestfitlist))
    console.log("bestFitDisplay" , bestFitDisplay)

  const hiddenBesttag = document.getElementsByClassName('item-container')
  const hiddenPurple = document.getElementsByClassName('best-tag')
  for(const child of hiddenBesttag.children) {
    if (child.classList.contains('best-fit')) {
        console.log('has best-fit')

document.querySelector(`#range2`).dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));


I just cannot figure out why the hiddenBesttag.children is not iterable. This error is displaying in the console. I want the code to be able to do the hidden class removal based on the conditions.


  • I assume each item is contained within .item-container. Then you want to apply the condition to each item and if matches then get its relevant .best-fit element. The trick here is to use Element.querySelectorAll

    const items = document.querySelectorAll('.item-container')
    items.forEach(function(item) {
      // I think you meant:
      if (item.classList.contains("best-fit")) {
    <div class="item-container" data-min="{{ minsec }}" data-max="{{ maxsec }}">
      <div class="best-tag hidden">Best Fit</div>
      <a href="{{ product.url }}">
        <div class="image-container">
          <img src="{{ product.featured_image | image_url }}">
        <div class="detail-container">
          <div class="title">{{ product.title }}</div>
        <div class="minskm-text">
          <span>MINS PER KM</span>