I want to build a dashboard where I can select a year and a application and want to have the top 5 clients shown up.
I build a example Sheet ofr showing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13yk_SIsv52bZbskOkEzkz4f1aOMnb5yLDk2oo5BawXs/edit?usp=sharing
On the left side I have listed all top clients ob every year and per application. On the right side I have a little selection tool and I want in the yellow marked area the correct data from the left side.
Thanks for your help
=INDEX(QUERY({""&A1:B\ C1:E};
"select Col3,Col4,Col5
where 3=3 "&
IF(I3="";;" and Col1 contains '"&I3&"'")&
IF(I4="";;" and Col2 contains '"&I4&"'")&
"order by Col5 desc
limit 5"; ))