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How to enable autocomplete in GoClipse?

The instructions how to install GoClipse have been followed.

I'm not getting any autocomplete stuff happening at all, either for local packages that I write, for built in stuff, or for GAE stuff (I have downloaded Go src to the SDK folder as the wiki states).

Are there any settings that I can check to ensure it is set up correctly? Is autocomplete supposed to work in the current version?


  • As the GoClipse with AppEngine article you linked to says:

    We assume the reader has a working copy of GoClipse running in their Eclipse environment.

    so that’s not the article you want to refer to. Instead, check for GoClipse.

    The auto completion is named content assist in eclipse. The GoClipse features state:

    Now delivered with content assist via Gocode for Windows, OS X 64bit, and Linux 64bit.

    Gocode is an auto-completion daemon. So you will also have to install and run that one besides your eclipse + GoClipse.