Antd Tree search is not expanding sublist children when searching with a value, it is working fine with list and sublist but not with the sublist children.
Below is the sandbox link
When I search I get like below, where there is search find under Data List Tree but it is not expanding
I am expecting it to come like below, It should also expand Data List tree as there is a search find under it. and eliminate remaining children which are not matching with the search key.
It is not opening sub-lists after searching
Finally, I need like below, after eliminating the un-matching values
Can Someone help me in this?
Below are the changes for the answer, where Data List tree expanded as there is a search find under it. and eliminate remaining children which are not matching with the search key. Hope this helps someone :)
Referred below link and it worked with all scenarios root level,sub root and final children search
I find this post : filter nested tree object without losing structure How filter in a nested tree object without losing structure in javascript?
function searchFilter(array, name) {
return array.reduce((r, { children = [], ...o }) => {
if (hasSearchTerm(o.title, name)) {
if (children) {
r.push(Object.assign(o, { children }));
return r;
} else {
return r;
children = searchFilter(children, name);
if (children.length) {
r.push(Object.assign(o, { children }));
return r;
}, []);
Attaching Codesanbox link :