My question is similar to this question but differs in an important aspect. I want to use different labelling functions created with the {scales}
package for the tick mark labels (not the axis labels). Here's a reproducible example:
mill <- number_format(scale = 1/1000000, suffix = " M")
thou <- number_format(scale = 1/1000, suffix = " k")
df <- data.frame(cond = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 5),
x_unit = rep(1:5, 3),
y_unit = round(c(rnorm(5, 5e6, 10000),
rnorm(5, 5e6, 10000),
rnorm(5, 5000, 1000))))
ggplot(df, aes(x = x_unit, y = y_unit)) +
geom_line() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = mill) +
facet_wrap(~ cond, scales = "free_y")
You might already see where I'm going with this: For facet C, I want to use the labelling function thou
and not mill
. How would I do that? I'm pretty sure that the solution with the labeller
argument in facet_wrap()
from the question I linked above does not apply here, right?
You might be interested in ggh4x::scale_y_facet()
. You give it a way to find the appropriate panel cond == "C"
and give it a different label function than the default scale. It only works with facets where scales are free. Disclaimer: I'm the author of ggh4x.
mill <- number_format(scale = 1/1000000, suffix = " M")
thou <- number_format(scale = 1/1000, suffix = " k")
df <- data.frame(cond = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 5),
x_unit = rep(1:5, 3),
y_unit = round(c(rnorm(5, 5e6, 10000),
rnorm(5, 5e6, 10000),
rnorm(5, 5000, 1000))))
ggplot(df, aes(x = x_unit, y = y_unit)) +
geom_line() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = mill) +
facet_wrap(~ cond, scales = "free_y") +
ggh4x::scale_y_facet(cond == "C", labels = thou)
Created on 2022-11-24 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)