i am making an image storage function with laravel job queue via googledrive. i am trying to initialize and store my photo. It works with the code:
$filePut = file_get_contents($this->path);
Storage::cloud()->put($this->name, $filePut);
but i can't get the return id
i am changing to another method and here is my 2nd code:
public function handle(GoogleClient $googleDrive)
$driveService = new \Google_Service_Drive($googleDrive);
$fileMetadata = new \Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile([
'name' => $this->name,
$file = $driveService->files->create($fileMetadata, [
'data' => file_get_contents($this->path),
'uploadType' => 'multipart',
'fields' => 'id',
try {
$batch = $driveService->createBatch();
$userPermission = new \Google_Service_Drive_Permission([
'type' => 'anyone',
'role' => 'reader',
$request = $driveService->permissions->create($file->id, $userPermission, ['fields' => 'id']);
$batch->add($request, 'user');
$results = $batch->execute();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} finally {
I noticed the data received from dd($googleDrive) is no data :
App\Components\GoogleClient {#3225
#client: Google\Client {#3203
-auth: null
-http: null
-cache: null
-token: null
-config: array:29 [
"application_name" => ""
"base_path" => "https://www.googleapis.com"
"client_id" => ""
"client_secret" => ""
"credentials" => null
"scopes" => null
"quota_project" => null
"redirect_uri" => null
"state" => null
"developer_key" => ""
"use_application_default_credentials" => false
"signing_key" => null
"signing_algorithm" => null
"subject" => null
"hd" => ""
"prompt" => ""
"openid.realm" => ""
"include_granted_scopes" => null
"login_hint" => ""
"request_visible_actions" => ""
I try to store it before the queue then the $drivegoogle data I get is as follows:
Google\Client {#3146
-auth: null
-http: null
-cache: null
-token: array:6 [
"access_token" => "*************************************************************************************"
"expires_in" => "*************************************************************************************"
"scope" => "*************************************************************************************"
"token_type" => "*************************************************************************************"
"created" => "*************************************************************************************"
"refresh_token" => "*************************************************************************************"
-config: array:29 [
"application_name" => ""
"base_path" => "https://www.googleapis.com"
"client_id" => "*************************************************************************************"
"client_secret" => "*************************************************************************************"
"credentials" => null
"scopes" => null
"quota_project" => null
"redirect_uri" => null
"state" => null
"developer_key" => ""
"use_application_default_credentials" => false
"signing_key" => null
"signing_algorithm" => null
"subject" => null
"hd" => ""
"prompt" => ""
"openid.realm" => ""
"include_granted_scopes" => null
"login_hint" => ""
"request_visible_actions" =>
is there any workaround to get the id from the storage::put method, or is there another way to fix my current error, the error appears at new \Google_Service_Drive($googleDrive); constructor must be array or instance of Google\Client {"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): constructor must be array or instance of Google\\Client
$googleDrive = $googleDrive->getClient()