I have list of flat structure objects of type Model_1 with properties mentioned below it.
How can I convert them into grouped nested objects(Of type Model_2 below) based on few matching properties.
Apologies for putting details into an image, I could only find it as simple way to explain the problem easily.
Some container/wrapper class may be needed to represent a key with A, B
(e.g., simple list or a record in Java 16+), then common grouping/mapping may be applied to build a map which entries can be converted then into a list of Model_2
record MyKey(A a, B b) {}
public static List<Model_2> convert(List<Model_1> list) {
return list.stream()
m1 -> new MyKey(m1.getA(), m1.getB()),
m1 -> new SubModel(m1.getC(), m1.getD()),
)) // Map<MyKey, List<SubModel>>
.map(e -> new Model2(e.getKey().a(), e.getKey().b(), e.getValue()))