I'm new to JSONATA, so this is probably a pretty easy formatting problem that I don't know yet. I need to take a large object and reduce it down into something more manageable. I've been able to do this with objects, but am running into a problem with a particular data structure. It's metadata from a list of images, where the keywords are in an array of objects each with the structure {"name": "keyword"}
. Like this:
"body": {
"files": [
"id": 101936854,
"title": "Taco Salad",
"keywords": [
"name": "background"
"name": "baked"
"name": "beef"
"id": 412961542,
"title": "Fiji",
"keywords": [
"name": "beach"
"name": "sea"
"name": "tree"
When I use the query
"id": $[0],
"title": $[1],
"keywords": $[2]
I get what I want, but only the first object, like so:
"id": 101936854,
"title": "Taco Salad",
"keywords": [
If I add the .
to output all the objects, I get back multiple objects but only the first value of name
in the array. Like so:
"id": $[0],
"title": $[1],
"keywords": $[2]
"id": 101936854,
"title": "Taco Salad",
"keywords": "background"
"id": 412961542,
"title": "Fiji",
"keywords": "beach"
I believe this is because the input objects in that array all have the same key of name
. So, I need to somehow get all the values of name and put them in one array called keywords
If I'm not mistaken, you want something like this:
"id": id,
"title": title,
"keywords": keywords.name
or, you can play with the transform operator:
(body ~> |files|{ "keywords": keywords.name }|).files
which produces this output for your example:
"id": 101936854,
"title": "Taco Salad",
"keywords": [
"id": 412961542,
"title": "Fiji",
"keywords": [
See it live here https://stedi.link/ybzLADi and here https://stedi.link/TLk7Loq
P.S. if you do want to use $zip for it, I think you'd have to avoid arrays of arrays to prevent JSONata from flattening results, one possible implementation:
body.files.{"keywords": keywords.name}
"id": $[0], "title": $[1], "keywords": $[2].keywords