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Combine video and audio files together using JavaScript?

Let's say I have two files video.webm and audio.webm. These two files are supposed to be one file combined together, which will become a 'regular' video + audio file. Is this possible using JavaScript?

Example (these are not the actual fetch)

const video = await fetch(''); // Gets video file of movie Harry Potter.
const videoBlob = await video.blob();
const audio = await fetch(''); // Gets audio file of movie Harry Potter.
const auidoBlob = await audio.blob();

const finalBlob = videoBlob + audioBlob; // I want to combine two blobs.


  • Here is an example for you by using FFmpeg

     import ffmpegPath from 'ffmpeg-static';
        import cp from 'child_process';
        import stream from 'stream';
        import ytdl from "ytdl-core";
        const ytmixer = (link, options = {}) => {
        const result = new stream.PassThrough({ highWaterMark: (options as 
        any).highWaterMark || 1024 * 512 });
        ytdl.getInfo(link, options).then(info => {
            let audioStream = ytdl.downloadFromInfo(info, { ...options, quality: 
        'highestaudio' });
            let videoStream = ytdl.downloadFromInfo(info, { ...options, quality: 
        'highestvideo' });
            // create the ffmpeg process for muxing
            let ffmpegProcess = cp.spawn(ffmpegPath, [
                // supress non-crucial messages
                '-loglevel', '8', '-hide_banner',
                // input audio and video by pipe
                '-i', 'pipe:3', '-i', 'pipe:4',
                // map audio and video correspondingly
                '-map', '0:a', '-map', '1:v',
                // no need to change the codec
                '-c', 'copy',
                // output mp4 and pipe
                '-f', 'matroska', 'pipe:5'
            ], {
                // no popup window for Windows users
                windowsHide: true,
                stdio: [
                    // silence stdin/out, forward stderr,
                    'inherit', 'inherit', 'inherit',
                    // and pipe audio, video, output
                    'pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe'
        return result;
        ytmixer('Your Url').pipe(res);