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How can I auto-include multiple navigations in model?

EF Core 6 introduced the ability to auto-include navigations ( have a model that is related to multiple tables and I would like to configure it to auto-include multiple related tables but have been unable to figure out how to do it. Is this supported?

This is the current setup.

            .Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem1).AutoInclude()

I have tried variations such as

            .Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem1).AutoInclude()
            .Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem2).AutoInclude()

but can't find anything that works.


  • Looks like you are thinking that the whole configuration should be with single fluent API call chain.

    Which is true for fluent APIs that return the EntityTypeBuilder<T> (from ModelBuilder.Entity<T>() call) they are called on.

    However many configuration APIs (like Property, Navigation, HasMany, HasOne, OwnsOne, OwnsMany etc.) return different builder providing specific fluent APIs for it.

    So what you need is to simply "restart" the fluent chain. This could be done in several way. For instance, with another Entity<T>() call

        .Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem1).AutoInclude();
        .Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem2).AutoInclude();

    or with Entity<T>() overload with builder action

    modelBuilder.Entity<ExampleModel>(builder =>
        builder.Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem1).AutoInclude();
        builder.Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem2).AutoInclude();

    or using local variable

        var builder = modelBuilder.Entity<ExampleModel>();
        builder.Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem1).AutoInclude();
        builder.Navigation(e => e.ExampleModelRelatedItem2).AutoInclude();

    or private or local method receiving EntityTypeBuilder<T>, or class implementing IEntityTypeConfiguration<T> with Apply method receiving the same, etc.

    The essential is to configure each navigation (AutoInclude or whatever) separately by starting with Navigation method from EnityTypeBuilder<T> obtained somehow.