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Postgres XMLTABLE problem with namespaces in the XML data

I have an example XML dataset that contains a namespace reference:

<Records xmlns="">

When I run the following query, I should get 4 rows, one for each record:

with cte_data as (
    select '<Records xmlns="">
 </Records>'::xml as xml_data
select *
from cte_data d
left join xmltable(xmlnamespaces('xmlns=""' as x),
     'Records/Record' passing d.xml_data
     columns id text path 'Id'
     ) as x on true;

Instead, I get a single result row (the XML) without any data from the XML (id is NULL).

Interestingly, if I remove the namespace from the XML, it works just fine! The problem is that I cannot change the XML data that I'm processing to remove the namespaces. I hope that I'm merely overlooking something that someone can point out to me.

EDIT: The answer provided by @Yitzhak does work, however the true situation is a bit more complex:

with cte_data as (
    select '<Records xmlns:ns="">
 </Records>'::xml as xml_data
select x.*
from cte_data d
, xmltable(xmlnamespaces('' as "ns"),
     passing d.xml_data
     columns id text path 'ns:Id'
     ) x

This also fails to return results.


  • Please try to modify namespaces declaration as follows, and use it in XPath expression as a prefix in a proper locations.



    with cte_data as (
        select '<Records xmlns:ns="">
    </Records>'::xml as xml_data
    select x.*
    from cte_data d
    , xmltable(xmlnamespaces('' as "ns"),
         passing d.xml_data
         columns id text path 'ns:Id'
         ) x