I'm setting up my integration testing rig. I'm using the beforeEach
and afterEach
hooks to wrap every single test in a transaction that rollsback so that the tests don't affect each other. A simplified example might be this:
const { repository } = require("library")
describe("Suite", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await knex.raw("BEGIN");
afterEach(async function () {
await knex.raw("ROLLBACK");
it("A test", async function () {
const user = await repository.createUser()
This worked fine because I configured knex to use a single DB connection for tests. Hence calling knex.raw("BEGIN");
created a global transaction.
Now however, the library's repository which I can't control started using transactions internally. I.e. createUser()
begins and then commits the created user. This broke my tests as now my afterEach
hook doesn't rollback the changes because they were already committed.
Is there a way in Postgres to rollback a transaction that have (already committed) nested transactions?
Or maybe a way to use knex to prevent the repository from starting transactions in the first place? It uses knex.transaction()
to create them.
As may be guessed from the tags the library in question is Strapi and I'm trying to write tests for the custom endpoints I implemented with it.
As noted by @zagarek, Postgres itself can't rollback already committed transactions. Knex does support nested transactions (using save-points) but you must explicitly refer to the parent transaction when creating a new one for it to get nested.
Many tried to achieve this setup. See the threads under e.g. here or here. It always boils down to somehow passing the test-wrapping transcation all the way down to your ORM/repository/code under test and instructing it to scope all queries under that transaction.
Unfortunately, Strapi doesn't provide any way to be given a transaction nor to create a global one. Now, cover your eyes and I'll tell you how I hacked around this.
I leverage one nice aspect of Knex: its Transaction object behaves (mostly) the same as a Knex instance. I mercilessly replace Strapi's reference of Knex instance with a Knex transaction and then rollback it in afterEach
hook. To not make this too easy, Strapi extends its knex instance with a getSchemaName
function. I therefore extend the transaction in disguise too and proxy to the original.
This does it: (Note that I'm using Mocha where this
can be used to pass state between hooks and/or tests.)
const Strapi = require("@strapi/strapi");
before(async function () {
// "Load" Strapi to set the global `strapi` variable.
await Strapi().load();
// "Listen" to register API routes.
await strapi.listen();
// Put aside Strapi's knex instance for later use in beforeEach and afterEach hooks.
this.knex = strapi.db.connection;
after(async function () {
// Put back the original knex instance so that Strapi can destroy it properly.
strapi.db.connection = this.knex;
await strapi.destroy();
beforeEach(async function () {
// Replace Strapi's Knex instance with a transaction.
strapi.db.connection = Object.assign(await this.knex.transaction(), {
getSchemaName: this.knex.getSchemaName.bind(this.knex),
afterEach(async function () {
it("Health-check is available.", async function () {
// Any changes made within here will get rolled back once the test finishes.
await request(strapi.server.httpServer).get("/_health").expect(204);
Lastly, it's worth noting that some Knex maintainers persistently discourage using transcations to isolate tests so consider if chasing this hacky setup is a good idea.