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Dynamically create Items or allow / disallow user actions in java swing

I have a database which contains users, roles, and permissions. I want to be able to map this to the front end (Java Swing) so a user who can't do an action can't see it.

An example:

  • Role AddressManager has permissions create_address, edit_address and remove_address.
  • User A has permissions create_address and edit_address.
  • User B has permission remove_address.

I want three buttons for the address view that represent the roles from the AddressManager, and for the users A and B to enable / disable the buttons.

Question: Is there any easy way to map database table values to Swing components (Buttons)?

One way is to assign enable/disable manually to every single component, but that’s unpractical if there are 40 dialogs in the application with about 200 components that must have permission.


  • What you can do is to write a class like this and use it everywhere. In your example you would add it with new ActionContainer("adress"); and it will create a create_address, edit_address, delete_address Button that are enabled if the user posses the matching right.

    package de.steamnet.samples;
    // This class is a Panel that renders buttons based on rights.
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class ActionContainer extends JPanel {
        List<JButton> buttons = new ArrayList<JButton>();
        public ActionContainer(String rightBase) {
            List<String> rights = database.getRightsStartingWith(rightBase);
            for(String nextRight : rights) {
                JButton next = new JButton(nextRight);
                if(user.hasRight(nextRight)) {
                } else {
        public void addActionListener(ActionListener al) {
            for(JButton next: buttons) {