I have created a simple custom editor tool, which allows me to keep mouse position in a straight line. I require this to draw texture on a terrain in a straight line. Unfortunately, when I enable "Paint texture" tool in the terrain editor in inspector, my custom tool gets disabled and vice-versa. How can I keep both my custom tool and terrain paint tool enabled at once?
Custom tool selected but paint texture is deactivated-
Custom tool got deselected on paint texture selection-
Following is the OnToolGUI method
public override void OnToolGUI(EditorWindow window)
Event e = Event.current;
if (!(window is SceneView))
if (!ToolManager.IsActiveTool(this))
if (e.shift)
if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown)
if (e.button == 0)
downY = e.mousePosition.y;
if (e.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
if (e.button == 0)
e.mousePosition = new Vector2(e.mousePosition.x, downY);
Debug.Log("Mouse Position: " + e.mousePosition);
As mentioned in the comments I guess it simply is the nature of the tools that they are exclusive and you can only have one active at a time.
As alternative I would rather simply
(pretty much like PlayerPrefs
but for the editor itself)SceneView.duringSceneGui
This could look somewhat like e.g.
public static class StraightLineTool
// Used for the displayed menu labels
// and also simply (ab)used as the unique key for the EditorPrefs
private const string k_MenuName = "My Tools/Straight Line Tool";
private static float downY;
// Property for simplifying access and setting more centralized
private static bool IsEnabled
get => EditorPrefs.GetBool(k_MenuName, false);
set => EditorPrefs.SetBool(k_MenuName, value);
// method to be called when clicking the menu button
private static void ToggleEnabled()
IsEnabled = !IsEnabled;
// adding a checkmark when is enabled and simply always allow to click it
[MenuItem(k_MenuName, true)]
private static bool ToggleEnabledValidate()
Menu.SetChecked(k_MenuName, IsEnabled);
return true;
// Called on every project loading or code recompilation
private static void Initialize()
EditorApplication.delayCall -= ApplySettings;
EditorApplication.delayCall += ApplySettings;
private static void ApplySettings()
// remove so only happening once
EditorApplication.delayCall -= ApplySettings;
SceneView.duringSceneGui -= OnSceneGUI;
if (IsEnabled)
// if enabled start listening
SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGUI;
// Callback listening to any SceneView.duringSceneGui
private static void OnSceneGUI(SceneView sceneView)
// Not sure tbh what this does or if you need it still in this approach
// HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl(GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive));
var currentEvent = Event.current;
if (currentEvent.shift)
if (currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDown)
if (currentEvent.button == 0)
downY = currentEvent.mousePosition.y;
if (currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
if (currentEvent.button == 0)
currentEvent.mousePosition = new Vector2(currentEvent.mousePosition.x, downY);
Debug.Log("Mouse Position: " + currentEvent.mousePosition);
=> using this the tool will be enabled/disabled persistent even when restarting Unity
Then using this as start point you can probably still try to somehow integrate this somewhere more nicely into the SceneView menus - but maybe that is also overkill ;)