Apologies if this doesn't make sense! Fairly new to WinForms and this is for a uni assessment. My main form is as below with the method I want to call in another class. I've renamed from Form1 to LoginPage.
public partial class LoginPage : Form
public LoginPage()
public string PinText
get { return PINNumTxt.Text; }
set { PINNumTxt.Text = value; }
My other class looks to verify the PinText which I've made accessible with the function above.
class BankCard
// Attributes
private Customer customer;
private int pinAttempts = 0;
private bool cardUnusable = false;
// Member functions
public void VerifyPIN()
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();
foreach (Customer c in Customer.customers)
if (c.GetID().ToString() == loginPage.AccountNum())
customer = c;
if (cardUnusable == true)
MessageBox.Show("This card is currently blocked. Please contact your bank.");
else if (loginPage.PinText == customer.GetPIN())
else if (pinAttempts < 2)
MessageBox.Show("Incorrect PIN attempt " + (pinAttempts + 1) + "/3");
loginPage.PinText = "";
pinAttempts += 1;
MessageBox.Show("3 failed PIN attempts. Please contact your bank.");
cardUnusable = true;
My issue is that where I have the following:
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();
This creates a new instance of the main page, doubles up the CustomerDB being loaded in and causes errors in my VerifyPin() function.
Is the issue that I need to somehow have LoginPage loginPage = current instance of LoginPage? And if so, how would I code that?
Thanks for any help
Wyck's comment got it to run without any errors. I had to do:
LoginPage loginPage = Application.OpenForms.OfType<LoginPage>().FirstOrDefault();
Thanks all