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Using javascript datetime in clojurescript

I want to show date and time in Clojurescript, but anything I tried did not work. Can anyone help with an example? I tried to use JavaScript datatime in different syntax ways, but none of them worked. Thank you.


I tired these but they did not work:

(. (js/Date))
(now (js/Date))
(.new (js/Date)

I just wont to show the current date and time on the screen. Inside a [:h3] tag in the .cljs file.


  • (.toLocaleString (js/Date.))
    ;; => "22/11/2022, 17:17:22"

    and in [:h3]:

    [:h3 (.toLocaleString (js/Date.))]

    If you want other formatting you can mix and match the available methods on a Date instance using interop.