Search code examples

VueUse: How to use the isSupported variable multiple times?

I want to make a fallback for a share button.

  • If useShareDialog isSupported = open ShareDialog
  • If useShareDialog !isSupported = copy to Clipboard
  • If useClipboard !isSupported = don't show the share button

VueUse has the useShare and useClipboard functions. But both use the same variable to check if the function is supported with the isSupported variable

How I can separate them?

Vue Component

<script setup>
import {
    useClipboard, useShare
} from '@vueuse/core'

const { share, isSupported } = useShare({
        title: 'Marcus Universe Portfolio',
        text: 'Look at my awesome portfolio',
        url: '',

const {copy, copied, isSupported} = useClipboard({
    source: ''

function shareTrigger() {
    if(isSupported) {
    } else {

      {{ copied ? 'copied to clipboard' : 'Share' }}



  • You can rename variable:

    const { share, isSupported: isSupportedShare } = useShare({...})
    const {copy, copied, isSupported: isSupportedClipboard} = useClipboard({...})