i tried to add click event to sankey diagram node. I found link click event is possible, but not node click event. is it possible to add click event to node?
In this example you can see how there is a click on point event added to the chart plotOptions, this is one way to add a click to a point.
plotOptions: {
series: {
point: {
events: {
click: function() {
let point = this;
console.log('click point', point, 'from', point.from, 'to', point.to);
Another way is a click on point linked using its id.
nodes: [{
id: 'Brazil',
}, {
id: 'Portugal',
events: {
click() {
let series = this.series,
nodes = series.nodeLookup;
console.log('click event on node linked by id ', nodes);