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Broken JSON using JQ processing: Possible Bug?

I have a JSON I found that seems to fail to be able to remove an Array after indexing once. Here is the valid JSON below (according to

Goal: Remove an outer array from what {was a valid JSON} on the outside.

Steps to reproduce

  1. validate JSON is valid
  2. run cat file.json | jq .rows
  3. Observe works OK
  4. try cat file.json | jq .rows[]

Observe my following error

zsh: no matches found: .rows[]

I also tried cat file.json | jq .rows | jq .[]

For good measure, here is the exact text that is failing but I think JQ should process like this according to JQ - How to define filter to remove brackets, quotes and commas from output array

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  • .rows[] means something special to zsh.[1] You need to escape or quote so that .rows[] is passed to jq.

    jq '.rows[]' file.json

    1. I'm not familiar with zsh, so I don't know what it means, but that's not important here.