I have a class 'Foo' (not under my control) which I wish to use as a key in a kotlin (java) hashmap. The problem is that the 'equals' method for 'Foo' does value equivalence. For my situation value equivalence is too loose. I need object equivalence.
What are the ways to force force the use of object equivalence on the keys?
I am thinking something like...
data class Foo(val prop: String)
data class Bar(val prop: String)
fun main() {
val fooMap = mutableMapOf<Any, Bar>()
val fooA = Foo("common value")
val fooB = Foo("common value")
fooMap[fooA] = Bar("different A")
fooMap[fooB] = Bar("different B")
println("${fooMap.keys} ${fooMap.values}")
This results in a fooMap with only one entry, when I expect two.
[Foo(prop=common value)] [Bar(prop=different B)]
Consider using IdentityHashMap
- it is the same map, but which compares only references of the keys.
Also note, to effectively use regular HashMap, the key class must respect not only equals
, but also hashCode