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Issue with UserForm ComboBox (partial string match)

I am using a combobox on a userform, and I have added a list to it by using a dictionary (from Range).
I need the combobox to show partial string match as I am typing onto it, So I have used this code:

   With Me.ComboBox1
     .List = Filter(dic.Keys, .Text, True, vbTextCompare)   
      .DropDown                                               'Expand filter selection (reduced number of valid elements)
   End With

The above code works as it should,
But if I selected any item (using drop down arrow on combobox itself) then I cannot list the combobox and I have to close the userform and open again.
If I commented this line of the code ,the issue disappeared ,But I lost the partial string match.

.List = Filter(dic.Keys, .Text, True, vbTextCompare)

And this my full code:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
      If ComboBox1.value <> "False" And ComboBox1.value <> "" Then
'Partial String Match
       With Me.ComboBox1
          .List = Filter(dic.Keys, .Text, True, vbTextCompare)    'The issue on this line
          .DropDown                                               'Expand filter selection (reduced number of valid elements)
       End With
    End If
End Sub

As always, Thanks for all your interest to help.


  • Please, try the next way:

    1. Create the next global variables on top of the form code module (in the declarations area):
    Private dict As Scripting.Dictionary
    Private noEvents As Boolean, boolNot As Boolean
    1. The used dictionary should be loaded prior to the following code event. Probably, in UserFor_Initialize event. I suppose that your code already does that.

    Please copy the next event code instead of yours:

    Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
        Dim chNo As Long, arr, chVar As String, mtch
          If ComboBox1.Value <> "False" And ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then
             If Not noEvents Then
                   With Me.ComboBox1
                      arr = filter(dict.Keys, .Text, True, vbTextCompare) 'place the filtered dict.keys in an array
                      mtch = Application.match(.Text, dict.Keys, 0)       'check if the combo value is A (whole) DICTIONARY KEY
                                                                                                              'or PART OF IT
                      If IsError(mtch) Then            'if part of the key:
                        .List = arr                    'load combo with filtered array
                        .DropDown                      'Expand filter selection (reduced number of valid elements)
                        noEvents = True: boolNot = True 'make boolean variables True
                      Else                              'if the whole key:
                        .List = dict.Keys: noEvents = False: boolNot = False 'load the dict keys and make bool vars False
                      End If
                   End With
               If Not boolNot Then
                    Me.ComboBox1.List = dict.Keys 'place the whole dict keys array
                    boolNot = True                'not letting next time do do the same
                    boolNot = False         'reinitialize bool variable
               End If
               noEvents = False             'reinitialize bool variable
             End If
           Me.cbE.List = dict.Keys          'when clearing combo value (nothing has been revealed by filterring, for instance)
        End If
    End Sub

    Take care that I did not use dic variable for the dictionary, I used dict...

    Please, send some feedback after testing it. I did not test it intensively, but I think it should do what (I understood) you need...