I'm rendering a chart with the attached JSON. While doing it in the Vega editor everything is fine but while rendering SVG with a code, an extra right padding is added to the legend element. Take a look at bellow screenshots:
Here is a very simple code:
const vega = require('vega');
module.exports = async function (context, req) {
try {
const vview = await new vega.View(vega.parse(req.body), { renderer: 'none' });
let svg = await vview.toSVG();
context.res = {
body: svg,
contentType: 'image/svg+xml'
catch (error) {
context.log(`Error during rendering vega chart: ${error}.`);
throw error;
The req.body
contains JSON with a chart definition. Are there any settings with which I could control that padding?
I tried all options from the documentation without luck.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
"description": "Sample",
"width": 600,
"height": 300,
"type": "fit",
"contains": "padding"
"padding": 10,
"data": [
"name": "table",
"values": [
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "vor 1900",
"volume": 0.04
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1900-1950",
"volume": 0.07
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1950-1970",
"volume": 0.13
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1970-1990",
"volume": 0.19
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1990-2010",
"volume": 0.24
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "nach 2010",
"volume": 0.33
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "vor 1900",
"volume": 0.03
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1900-1950",
"volume": 0.06
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1950-1970",
"volume": 0.11
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1970-1990",
"volume": 0.19
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1990-2010",
"volume": 0.25
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "nach 2010",
"volume": 0.36
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "vor 1900",
"volume": 0.06
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1900-1950",
"volume": 0.09
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1950-1970",
"volume": 0.15
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1970-1990",
"volume": 0.23
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1990-2010",
"volume": 0.25
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "nach 2010",
"volume": 0.22
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "vor 1900",
"volume": 0.05
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1900-1950",
"volume": 0.09
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1950-1970",
"volume": 0.14
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1970-1990",
"volume": 0.24
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1990-2010",
"volume": 0.25
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "nach 2010",
"volume": 0.23
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"type": "stack",
"groupby": ["category","year"],
"field": "volume"
"type": "formula",
"as": "colorParam",
"expr": "datum.section+' '+datum.category"
"type": "formula",
"as": "volumePerc",
"expr": "format(datum.volume,'.0%')"
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{ "name": "sfontColor", "value" : "#595959"}
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"name": "xCategoryScale",
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"data": "table",
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"data": "table",
"field": "colorParam"
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"name": "legendColorScale",
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"domain": [
"nach 2010",
"vor 1900"
"range": [
"axes": [
"orient": "left",
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"labelFont": {"signal": "sfont"},
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"labels": {
"update": {
"text": {"signal": "format(datum.value, '.0%')"}
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"dy": {
"value": -20
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"type": "symbol",
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"enter": {
"x": {
"scale": "xCategoryScale",
"field": "category"
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"scale": "yscale",
"field": "volume"
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"scale": "yscale",
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"update": "bandwidth('xCategoryScale')"
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"x": {
"scale": "xYearScale",
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"from": {
"data": "volumeBars"
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"test": "indexof(data('volumeBars'), datum) % 2 == 0",
"value": "right"
"value": "left"
"text": {
"field": "datum.volumePerc"
See how the legend is now clipped with a negative right padding below.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
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"height": 300,
"type": "fit",
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"padding": {"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": -15, "bottom": 5},
"data": [
"name": "table",
"values": [
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "vor 1900",
"volume": 0.04
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1900-1950",
"volume": 0.07
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1950-1970",
"volume": 0.13
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1970-1990",
"volume": 0.19
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1990-2010",
"volume": 0.24
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "nach 2010",
"volume": 0.33
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "vor 1900",
"volume": 0.03
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1900-1950",
"volume": 0.06
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1950-1970",
"volume": 0.11
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1970-1990",
"volume": 0.19
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1990-2010",
"volume": 0.25
"category": "Portfolio",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "nach 2010",
"volume": 0.36
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "vor 1900",
"volume": 0.06
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1900-1950",
"volume": 0.09
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1950-1970",
"volume": 0.15
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1970-1990",
"volume": 0.23
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "1990-2010",
"volume": 0.25
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2020,
"section" : "nach 2010",
"volume": 0.22
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "vor 1900",
"volume": 0.05
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"year": 2021,
"section" : "1900-1950",
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"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1950-1970",
"volume": 0.14
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1970-1990",
"volume": 0.24
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "1990-2010",
"volume": 0.25
"category": "Benchmark",
"year": 2021,
"section" : "nach 2010",
"volume": 0.23
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"type": "formula",
"as": "colorParam",
"expr": "datum.section+' '+datum.category"
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"as": "volumePerc",
"expr": "format(datum.volume,'.0%')"
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"nach 2010",
"vor 1900"
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"x": {
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"from": {
"data": "volumeBars"
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"align": [
"test": "indexof(data('volumeBars'), datum) % 2 == 0",
"value": "right"
"value": "left"
"text": {
"field": "datum.volumePerc"