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SwiftUI: Actors and Views - Mutable capture of 'inout' parameter 'self' is not allowed in concurrently-executing code

I have my data stored in an Actor. I need to display the data on a view. The only way I have found to do this is to spin up a task to load the data by using an await command on the actor. This doesn't feel right as it is very clunky; it is also giving me an error which I don't understand.

Mutable capture of 'inout' parameter 'self' is not allowed in concurrently-executing code

This is my code:

actor SimpleActor
    func getString() -> String
        return "some value"


struct SimpleView: View
    var actor: SimpleActor
    @State var value: String
        actor = SimpleActor()
            value = await actor.getString() // error here
    var body: some View
            .width(100, alignment: .leading)

What is the best way of doing this?


  • There are a lot of issues in the code. For example you cannot modify a simple property without marked as @State(Object). And you cannot initialize a property (without default value) inside a Task.

    Basically declare the actor as @StateObject and adopt ObservableObject

    Further get the value in the .task modifier and give value a default value

    actor SimpleActor : ObservableObject
        func getString() -> String
            return "some value"
    struct DetailView: View
        @StateObject var actor = SimpleActor()
        @State private var value = ""
        var body: some View
            Group {
            }.task {
                value = await actor.getString()