I've recently started working on a frontend project that uses Next.js, and I'm trying to figure out how to best take advantage of the SSR it provides. I want to use some client-side fetching as well, and while the documentation explains that using React hooks in a component will make it render client-side, it seems quite sparse about how this affects the other components up/down the DOM tree.
I tried to test the SSR/CSR behaviour by creating a site with some components with/without React hooks in them, and opening it in Chrome first with JavaScript enabled, then disabled. So far I've found out a couple of things and I was wondering if my assumptions are right:
.export const TestComponent = () => {
const [num, setNum] = useState(13)
return (
<button onClick={() => setNum(num+1)}>CLICK</button>
<h2>Number: {num}</h2>
actually contains the text "Number: 13" (the button obviously doesn't work without JS though)
What I'm also wondering is how much using global context providers is going to diminish performance improvement from SSR. Let's say my _app.jsx
wraps each page in a provider that periodically queries an API. Does it completely void the advantage presented by SSR, seeing as it will probably cause the entire page to re-render?
Think of SSR as first paint data, and what is the trigger for it. Anything that causes the trigger for SSR to run, you will be getting data from getServerSideProps
SSR is usually done for SEO purposes so the bot can crawl the pre-rendered data. Any data that is depended on client-side fetch will be less prone for crawling.
Let's say for a shopping page, the initial products load can be SSR while subsequent products on clicking of a 'Load More' button happens on client side with the useSWR
hook. This is a valid approach, and it mixes both SSR and CSR.
If a provider queries the API, that is a client side fetch. It won't coincide with what SSR is doing. It's important to know the trigger for SSR, which usually happens on a first visit, reload and anything that triggers a route change / push. Both SSR and client-side fetch do things their own way.