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AEM JAVA Unit test for tags

In AEM JAVA I created a function that gets a list of tags from Tag Manager . I was able to get the data that I need and the tags are correctly retrieved from the Tag Manager. But in the Unit Test this part below is always excluded from the test. I only included the code that is relevant to the question.

    public Iterator<Resource> getTransform(Iterator<Tag> childTagItr, Locale locale, SlingHttpServletRequest request) {
        return new TransformIterator(childTagItr, new Transformer() {
            public Object transform(Object o) {
                Tag tag = (Tag) o;

                String tagId = tag.getTagID();
                ValueMap vm = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
                vm.put("value", tagId);
                vm.put("text", tag.getTitlePath(locale));
                return new ValueMapResource(request.getResourceResolver(), new ResourceMetadata(), "nt:unstructured", vm);

I tried with below test :

void testGetDataTags() throws ServletException, IOException {
    // Arrange


    // Act
    final Locale locale = request.getLocale();
    CareerPageCategoryLevelTwo careerPageCategoryLevelTwo = new CareerPageCategoryLevelTwo();
    Transformer tagResource = new Transformer() {
        public Object transform(Object o) {
            Tag tag = (Tag) o;

            String tagId = tag.getTagID();
            ValueMap vm = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
            vm.put("value", tagId);
            vm.put("text", tag.getTitlePath(locale));
            return new ValueMapResource(request.getResourceResolver(), new ResourceMetadata(), "nt:unstructured", vm);
    Iterator<Resource> iteratorResource= new TransformIterator(tagIterator, tagResource);
    Mockito.when(careerPageCategoryLevelTwo.getTransform(tagIterator, locale, request)).thenReturn(iteratorResource);
    // Assert

Still the part : enter image description here

is excluded. My question is how can I include this part in the Unit Test?

Update: careerPageCategoryLevelTwo is the implementation class enter image description here


  • In your test method testGetDataTags you are mocking the method getTransform(). You are returning the iteratorResource instead of the "real" TransformIterator inside the class under test CareerPageCategoryLevelTwo.

    You should change your line from

    Mockito.when(careerPageCategoryLevelTwo.getTransform(tagIterator, locale request)).thenReturn(iteratorResource):


    Iterator iteratorFromCareer = careerPageCategoryLevelTwo.getTransform(tagIterator, locale, request)

    and you should do something with the iteratorFromCareer - this should call the transform method.

    But I recommend you to use less Mockito and more Sling Mocks or AEM Mocks