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React DOM disappears when I try to use HTTP requests

I'm in the process of trying to connect the front end of my MERN application to the back end. The back end works just fine on its own, and I have no problem accessing data by manually executing HTTP requests. Now that I'm trying to connect it to the front end, I seem to be getting stuck everywhere.

My current problem is that when I try to fetch data via HTTP requests, the DOM disappears and displays a blank page.

import React, {useEffect, useState} from "react"
import ItemRequests from "./dataservices/items.js"

function ItemList(props){
   [items, setItems] = useState([])

   useEffect(() => {
      .then(results => {
      .catch(e => {

   }, [])

      <h6>If this prints the issue has been resolved<h6/>
      {/*Additional code*/}


ItemRequests class: contains all the requests specific to the Items collection

import http from "http-config"

class ItemRequests{
   getAll(page = 0){
      return http.get("?page=" + page)

export default ItemRequests

http-config file

import axios from "axios"

export default axios.create(){
   baseURL: "https://localhost:XXXX/route/to/server",
   headers: {
      "Content-type": "application/json"

All other routes in the front end are functional. Only this route, which executes HTTP requests is not rendering properly. I'm debugging right now to see if I can gain any further details, but I would appreciate any insight from here.

Edit: According to my browser's console:

Uncaught TypeError: services_items__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_.default.getAll is not a function

So for some reason JS does not recognize getAll() as a function, even though it is defined.


  • ItemsRequests is a class. You cannot invoke a non-static function directly from a class. So, in order for this code to work, you need to do one of two things:

    1. Instantiate an object of type ItemsRequest inside useEffect()
    ItemsRequests request = new ItemsRequests()
      .then(results => {
      .catch(e => {

    OR 2. Make your getAll() method in ItemsRequests a static method

    class ItemRequests{
       static getAll(page = 0){
          return http.get("?page=" + page)

    For this program's purposes, it makes more sense to go with the second option.