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Azure Self Hosted Agent - How to know when to upadte version?

I am working with Azure DevOps Services on Self Hosted Agents.

Recently The Agent Stopped Working after more than 4 months.

Everything was looking ok when checking the Agents Page. enter image description here All Pipeline were Queued, but no Agent was busy all was idle After Checking and rebooting agent i checked version of downloaded agent enter image description here

And Then Updated to new agent version manually - and problem was solved.

  1. Any way to get notified when i must update agent version?
  2. Auto Update Didn't work - is there a place where i can view the log of the update?



  • For updating self-hosted agent, here is an official doc for your reference:

    enter image description here

    Then if you would like to see log of the update, please kindly go to your local, your self-hosted agent folder->diag, you should be able to see something like this:

    enter image description here

    Hope it could do some help.