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C# - Serialize all attributes of derived class in a list of base class

I need to JsonSerializer.Serialize(...) a class containig a list of a base class:

// ----- Models -----

public class MainClass
    public Guid Id { get; private set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
    public List<BaseClass> Properties { get; set; } = new List<BaseClass>();
public class BaseClass
    public Guid Id { get; private set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
    public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;

public class GenericDerivedClass<T> : BaseClass
    public T? Value { get; set; }

// ----- Implementation -----

var main = new MainClass
    Properties = new List<BaseClass>
       new GenericDerivedClass<string>
           Name = "SoundFile",
           Value = "Test.wav"
        new GenericDerivedClass<float>
            Name = "Volume",
            Value = 1
        new GenericDerivedClass<bool>
            Name = "Autoplay",
            Value = false
        new GenericDerivedClass<bool>
            Name = "Loop",
            Value = false

Console.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.Serialize(main, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }));

// ----- Output (JsonSerializer) ----

    "main": [
        "id": "ba348c86-aa86-45ea-8d21-a9beddd4368a",        
        "properties": [
            "id": "a9f432d5-3916-4c1d-b44a-fd4b7d8fcb45",
            "name": "SoundFile",
            //"value": "Test.wav" <- I want this line here, but I cannot figure out how.
            "id": "f585d863-b0d7-49b3-ad5c-0565171e6793",
            "name": "Volume"
            "id": "197802f3-17cd-4c1f-90be-7ea643ee5d7d",
            "name": "Autoplay"
            "id": "b90e3857-e497-4137-adeb-94b66293d375",
            "name": "Loop"

The problem here is, that only the properties of the base class (BaseClass) are serialized (Id and Name). Is there a way to serialize the class "MainClass" with a List<BaseClass> containing the information (Value) of each GenericDerivedClass<T>?

(Using List<object> instead of List<BaseClass> is not an option, since I cannot use primitive types.)


  • Olivers comment got me on the right track, thank you.

    It's a bit tideous, to go over all "propertynames" in a switch, but it seems to do the trick!

    If you run into the same problem, you have to write a custom converter, like in the c# example shown here:

    Here is my code (overriding "Write()" in a class deriving from JsonConverter<>):

    public class PropertyConverter : JsonConverter<Property>
        public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert) =>
        public override Property? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Property value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
            writer.WriteString("name", value.Name);
            if (value is GenericProperty<float> floatProperty)
                writer.WriteNumber("value", floatProperty.Value);
            else if (value is GenericProperty<int> intProperty)
                writer.WriteNumber("value", intProperty.Value);
            else if (value is GenericProperty<string> stringProperty)
                writer.WriteString("value", stringProperty.Value);
            else if (value is GenericProperty<bool> boolProperty)
                writer.WriteBoolean("value", boolProperty.Value);


    Make sure to add the custom converter to JsonSerializerOptions:

     var serializeOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions()
                WriteIndented = true,
            serializeOptions.Converters.Add(new PropertyConverter());
           Console.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.Serialize(_json, serializeOptions));