I've been working on the project. The main goal is to calculate how many words do not contain letters 'B' nor 'C'. Given file has [0;1000] lines. Every line contains 6 columns.
he first two columns contain string with [1; 20] characters. Characters could be letters, numbers, and whitespaces.
3-5 columns contain integers in the range [-100; 100]. 6th column contain real numbers in range [-9.99; 9.99] with only two digits after decimal point.
Each section I separated by a semicolon ';'.
A11;bas morning;0;0;5;1.15
B12; Hello WoRlD;-100;11;78;1.33
TASK: calculate how many words (word is one or more symbols without ' '(space)) in the first two columns do not contain letters 'B' or 'C'. And print that integer number.
I have dealt with the most part of the task. I already did File's name reading from command line, reading the file, priting the integer out. But I have stuck on one thing. I don't really get it how to check every word one by one. I almost every time get a wrong answer.
Input: ( a A a a aba aca;BA A C BA a;1;1;1;1.00) - without brackets.
Output: 6
org 100h
%include 'yasmmac.inc'
section .text
macPutString 'Write outpu file name', crlf, '$'
; Reading file from command line
mov bx, 82h
mov si, 0h
jmp .checkInputFile
; Turns it into ASCIIZ
mov cl, [bx+si]
cmp cl, 20h
jl .addZero
inc si
jmp .checkInputFile
mov byte [bx+si], 0h
xor si, si
; Saving writing file
mov al, 128
mov dx, writingFile
call procGetStr
; Open reading file
mov dx, bx
call procFOpenForReading
jnc .writingFileIsOpened
macPutString 'Error while opening reading file', '$'
; Atidarome rasymo faila
mov [readingDescriptor], bx
mov dx, writingFile
call procFCreateOrTruncate
jnc .openWritingFile
macPutString 'Error while opening writing file', '$'
jmp .writingError
; Save writing descriptor
mov [writingDescriptor], bx
; Reads first line
call procReadLine
; Main loop
xor di, di
xor si, si
call procReadLine
; Check first two columns
;mov al, ';'
mov di, line
mov al, [di]
cmp al, ' '
je .nextWord
cmp al, ';'
je .nextWord
; Checking words
mov al, [di]
inc di
cmp al, byte 'B'
je .nextWord
cmp al, byte 'b'
je .nextWord
cmp al, byte 'C'
je .nextWord
cmp al, byte 'c'
je .nextWord
cmp al, byte ' '
je .addNumber
cmp al, byte ';'
je .semicolon
jmp .checkWord
call procNextWord
jmp .checkWord
call procAddNumber
inc si
cmp si, 0x2
je .skipLine
jmp .nextWord
call procAddNumber
jmp .nextWord
; If this is not the end of file, repeat loop
cmp [readLastLine], byte 0
je .whileNotEndOfFile
; Hexadecimal convertion to decimal
mov dx, lineCount
mov ax, [lineCount]
call procUInt16ToStr
call procPutStr
mov si, dx
cmp al, 0
jne .writingToFile
sub si, dx
lea cx, [si-1]
mov bx, [writingDescriptor]
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
; Closing Files
mov bx, [writingDescriptor]
call procFClose
mov bx, [readingDescriptor]
call procFClose
macPutString 'Program ends', crlf, '$'
%include 'yasmlib.asm'
; void procReadLine()
; Read line to buffer ‘eilute’
push ax
push bx
push cx
push si
mov bx, [readingDescriptor]
mov si, 0
call procFGetChar
; End if the end of file or error
cmp ax, 0
je .endOfFile
jc .endOfFile
; Putting symbol to buffer
mov [line+si], cl
inc si
; Check if there is \n?
cmp cl, 0x0A
je .endOfLine
jmp .loop
mov [readLastLine], byte 1
mov [line+si], byte '$'
mov [lineLenght], si
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
push si
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ax, word [lineCount]
inc ax
mov [lineCount], ax
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop si
inc di
mov al, [di]
cmp al, byte ' '
je .loop
jmp .t
cmp al, byte ';'
je .t2
jmp .return
inc di
mov al, [di]
cmp al, byte ' '
je .t2
jmp .return
section .data
dw 0000
times 128 db 00
dw 0000
db 00
db 64
times 66 db '$'
dw 0000
times 128 db 00
GITHUB: yasmmac.inc/yasmlib.asm
Any help will be appreaciated.
Completely starting over on the thinking process that is needed to solve the main task, I came up with the following:
; Main loop
call procReadLine
mov si, 2 ; Do 2 columns
mov di, line
mov al, [di]
inc di
cmp al, ' '
je .skipSpaces
cmp al, ';'
je .q3 ; It's trailing whitespace
dec di
mov bx, 1 ; Assuming it will be a 'good' word
mov al, [di]
inc di
cmp al, ' '
je .q2
cmp al, ';'
je .q2
or al, 32 ; LCase
cmp al, 'b'
jb .q1
cmp al, 'c'
ja .q1
xor bx, bx ; One or more invalid chars in current word
jmp .q1
add [lineCount], bx ; BX=[0,1] Counting the 'good' words
cmp al, ';'
jne .skipSpaces
dec si ; Next column ?
jnz .skipSpaces
cmp [readLastLine], byte 0
je .whileNotEndOfFile
The label lineCount is no longer particularly good for counting valid words, wouldn't you say?