I have two buttons that show two different components when toggling them. For UX reasons (to know which component is showing) I would like to style the buttons according to if the value of the state is true or false (give them an underline and a darker color if the state is true). Is this possible in any way?
This is my GitHub repo: https://github.com/uohman/Portfolio2022
And this is the component where I handle the buttons:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Subheading } from 'GlobalStyles';
import { FrontendProjects } from './FrontendProjects'
import { GraphicDesignProjects } from './GraphicDesignProjects';
import 'index.css'
export const FeaturedProjects = () => {
const [buttons, setButtons] = useState([
{ label: 'Development', value: true },
{ label: 'Graphic design', value: false }
const handleButtonsChange = () => (label) => {
const newButtonsState = buttons.map((button) => {
if (button.label === label) {
return (button = { label: button.label, value: true });
return {
label: button.label,
value: false
return (
<Subheading><span>Featured projects</span></Subheading>
<SpecialButton {...{ buttons, setButtons, handleButtonsChange }} />
{buttons[0].value && <FrontendProjects />}
{buttons[1].value && <GraphicDesignProjects />}
const SpecialButton = ({ buttons, setButtons, handleButtonsChange }) => {
return (
<div className="button-container">
{buttons.map((button, index) => (
onClick={() => handleButtonsChange({ buttons, setButtons })(button.label)}>
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root');
ReactDOM.render(<FeaturedProjects />, rootElement);
I've given the buttons the pseudo element :focus and that nearly solves my problem, but still as a default the buttons are the same color although it is one of the components that is showing. Thankful for suggestions on how to solve this!
You can provide a style props to any html component.
You should pass an object where attributes are camelcased.
style={{ // double bracket to pass an object
backgroundColor: yourVariable ? 'red' : undefined // notice css background-color became backgroundColor
You can do the same with classes
className={yourVariable && "yourClass"}