I have a class with various functions that have default values for some keywords, but values can also be specified. However, the functions use different keywords.
This is a minimum reproducible example. The actual case has functions that are more complicated and inter-related.
Example Class:
class Things(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.other = 999
self.result = self.some_fcn(**kwargs)
self.other2 = self.some_fcn2(**kwargs)
def some_fcn(self, x=None, y=None):
if x is None:
x = 7
if y is None:
y = 7
return x + y
def some_fcn2(self, z=None):
if z is None:
z = -1
return self.other * z
Tests, these work:
ans = Things().some_fcn()
print("default, should be 14:", ans)
ans = Things(x=1)
print("should be 8:", ans.result)
And here on ans = Things(x=1, z=100)
it fails
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-50-5e7081adb4fb> in <module>
25 ans = Things().some_fcn(9, -2)
26 print("should be 7:", ans)
---> 27 ans = Things(x=1)
28 print("should be 8:", ans.result)
29 print("***")
<ipython-input-50-5e7081adb4fb> in __init__(self, **kwargs)
3 self.other = 999
4 self.result = self.some_fcn(**kwargs)
----> 5 self.other2 = self.some_fcn2(**kwargs)
7 self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
TypeError: some_fcn2() got an unexpected keyword argument 'x'
How do I ignore keyword arguments when they are not used in the method? The similar question at How to ignore extra keyword arguments in Python? says to add self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
to the constructor, but that still produces the same error.
Use **kwargs for your inner functions as well, and then inside those functions check if the arguments exist.
class Things(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.other = 999
self.result = self.some_fcn(**kwargs)
self.other2 = self.some_fcn2(**kwargs)
def some_fcn(self, **kwargs):
x = 7 if 'x' not in kwargs else kwargs['x']
y = 7 if 'y' not in kwargs else kwargs['y']
return x + y
def some_fcn2(self, **kwargs):
z = -1 if 'z' not in kwargs else kwargs['z']
return self.other * z