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Clear text of specific characters in a celll with VBA

I'm looking for some help please with some VBA.

I have the next table

000Model Test0Model Val00User0
Perman000User0Model Name000000

So I need to replace all Ceros with only one "," like this

,Model Test,Model Val,User,
Perman,User,Model Name,

Is there a combination of formulas to do this? or with code in VBA?


  • Please, try the next function:

    Function replace0(x As String) As String
        Dim matches As Object, mch As Object, arr, k As Long
        ReDim arr(Len(x))
         With CreateObject("VbScript.regexp")
            Pattern = "[0]{1,30}"
            .Global = True
            If .test(x) Then
                replace0 = .replace(x, ",")
            End If
         End With
    End Function

    It can be tested using:

    Sub replaceAllzeroByComma()
       Dim x As String
       x = "000Perman00000000000000000000Name"
       'x = "000Model Test0Model Val00User0"
       'x = "Perman000User0Model Name000000"
       Debug.Print replace0(x)
    End Sub

    Uncheck the checked lines, one at a time and see the result in Immediate Window (Ctrl + G, being in VBE)