I have a problem with publishing an app in VS 2017 with the Publishing Wizard. I found a stackoverflow post:
Compile a .NET Core application as an EXE file using Visual Studio 2017
But when I want to go to this menu it only opens an old Publishing Wizard that doesnt have the options I need.
I tried to update my VS 2017 to the newest Version, but it didnt help...
After that I tried to use the first approach of the stackoverflow post above, but I didnt have dotnet(???) so installed .NET 7 SDK. Tried the command in the project directory (where the .csproject lays), but I got the error: MSB4062. So Im back trying to get the new publisher, because I really dont know how to fix MSB4062.
Picture of my Publishing wizard:
Picture of the one I want:
I needed a .NET Core / .NET console app, but I had a .NET FRAMEWORK console app. And to create a .NET Core / .NET console app I needed Visual Studio 2022 (maybe 2019 is enough), but I had Visual Studio 2017.
This fixed everything for me.