I'm trying to solve this problem since some days now but it seems I have reached a dead end. Maybe someone would be able to help me.
I have two sheets. The first one contains the list of my clients and their delivery number depending of the weekday.
In my second sheet I would like to get the delivery number of the client (red cells) depending of the weekday I select (yellow cells).
I tried VLOOKUP formula, INDEX/MATCH, QUERY but I wasn't able to find a way to get the delivery number depending of the client's name and the weekday. I think the main issue is that in the first sheet the weekday is a column title.
Maybe the solution is simply to build my tables differently...
Thank you for your help
all you need is simple vlookup:
SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A4&B1:D1&""&B2:D4), ""), 2, )))