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Webcodecs mux with Ffmpeg.wasm

I am currently creating a video editor with webcodecs. I would like to use FFmepg/Wasm for muxing, as I previously worked with mp4box.js and encountered many problems.

The question I have is how best to give FFMPEG the raw encoded chunks.

Unfortunately, I have never worked with WASM and FFMPEG before.

How I imagined the pipeline:

I saved all encodedChunks in arrays like:

encodedVideoChunks: EncodedVideoChunk[];
encodedAudioChunks: EncodedAudioChunk[];

A Muxer_FFmpeg class should now handle the encoded Chunks. Thats where I am stuck.


  • You got an example of how to deal with encoded chunks on (

    You basically copy them to a typed array and store them for later use:

    const chunkData = new Uint8Array(chunk.byteLength);

    Muxing is a simple ffmpeg command with chunks as input. Just have to avoid reencoding with codec copy. For webm container:

    ffmpeg -i chunks -c copy output.webm

    For other ffmpeg common commands:

    FFmpeg.wasm FS API:

    In the case of example above, you would use fetchFile API of chunks Blob so command would be:

    ffmpeg.FS('writeFile', 'chunks', await fetchFile(new Blob(chunks)));