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Get-ADUser , merge two filter

I am trying to get the inactive users from AD with the following code:

# set the date (the number of days)
$NumberOfDays = 60

# set the timeframe ranging for the amount of days entered
$TimeRange = (Get-Date).Adddays(-($NumberOfDay))

# checks for inactive users within 60 days timeframe
Get-ADUser -Filter {LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $TimeRange } -Properties * 

and I would like to add this additional filter:

Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -like "f_*"}  -Properties * | Format-Table Name,SamAccountName

Can anyone help me how to merge these 2, I am a newbie and struggling :) .....


  • "See this link for info on using the -and/-or operator. Something like Get-ADUser -Filter {(Name -like "f_*") -and (LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $TimeRange )} – "

    Vivek Kumar Singh from the comments