i have var (name result["error_type"]) with type
[]interface {}
and value
[map[reason:map[phone:empty] send_at:1.636697291e+09 status:error]]
how i cat get value from type []interface {}
example result["error_type"]["128"]["reason"]["phone"]
this type i got from
var result map[string]interface{}
r.Body has Json
"date_request":"2021-01-02 11:03",
"error_type":{"128": [{"reason": {"phone": "Отсутствует обязательное поле номер телефона"}, "status": "error", "send_at": 1636697291}], "200": [{"reason": {"phone": "Отсутствует обязательное поле номер телефона"}, "status": "error", "send_at": 1636697281}]},
also i dont create structure error_type for json.NewDecoder parse because i don
t know what kind id will be in error_type in json (128, 200, 300)
i try get value
but, its not work
also cast to
its not work
As far as the understanding from the question, what I understand is you can format the data as following.
type Payload struct {
OfferName string `json:"offer_name"`
OfferID string `json:"offer_id"`
PartnerName string `json:"partner_name"`
PartnerID string `json:"partner_id"`
TypeSystem string `json:"type_system"`
Status string `json:"status"`
DateRequest string `json:"date_request"`
BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
BankID string `json:"bank_id"`
TypeProduct string `json:"type_product"`
// you can use the type map of array of error data here
ErrorType map[string][]ErrorData `json:"error_type"`
RequestID string `json:"request_id"`
type ErrorData struct {
Reason Reason `json:"reason"`
Status string `json:"status"`
SendAt int `json:"send_at"`
type Reason struct {
Phone string `json:"phone"`
With the following you can unmarshal the data to
fmt.Printf("%+v", p.ErrorType["128"][0].Reason)
In the case you are unable to know the keys of the map, you can still range over the map values and get the data.
Here is the playground link https://go.dev/play/p/oTF0JUwOj0D