Search code examples

How do I limit the number of rows displayed

I construct the below query to display data from Json. Assume this query returns 50 rows. But I want only first 10 rows to be displayed.
What is the equivalent of select top 10 or limit 10 in this scenario. Thank you.

List<Item> result = items.GroupBy(x => x.ItemNo)
       .Select(x => new Item
            ItemNo = x.Key,
            ItemName = x.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Key == "ItemName")?.Value,           
            Date = x.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Key == "Date")?.Value
        }).OrderByDescending(y =>


  • In any query into your data pipeline you should NEVER request the lot. Why? You have no idea how many records there are in a query. You may think there are only a few but if a DBAdmin has done something wrong, there may be 10 million rows in the customer table.

    So use a Request query object to request your data with some boundary condition values set by default.

    public record ListQueryRequest {
        public int StartIndex { get; init; } = 0;
        public int PageSize { get; init; } = 1000;

    Your data pipeline service can then do something like this:

    private async ValueTask<ListRequestResult<TRecord>> GetItemsAsync<TRecord>(ListQueryRequest listQuery)
       using var dbContext = this.factory.CreateDbContext();
       dbContext.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking;
       IQueryable<TRecord> query = dbContext.Set<TRecord>();
       /.... any IQueryable conditions such as filtering or ordering
       query = query
      // delayed execution of the query
       var list = await query.ToListAsync(); 
       // build and return your request result

    Where the result object template looks like this:

    public record ListQueryResult<TRecord>
       public bool Successful {get; init;}
       public string Message {get; init;}
       public IEnumerable<TRecord> Items {get; init;}