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jOOQ: How to select an empty array "[]" in Kotlin

I would like to produce SQL that is essentially the equivalent of array[] or [] using jOOQ's DSL so that it's portable between dialects.

Unfortunately in Kotlin, none of these work:

// Overload resolution ambiguity. All these functions match.
// public open fun <T : Any!> array(vararg values: TypeVariable(T)!): Field<Array<(out) TypeVariable(T)!>!> defined in org.jooq.impl.DSL
// public open fun <T : Any!> array(vararg fields: Field<TypeVariable(T)!>!): Field<Array<(out) TypeVariable(T)!>!> defined in org.jooq.impl.DSL

DSL.array(null as Any?)      // Produces a non-empty array
DSL.array(emptyList<Any>())  // Produces a non-empty array

Is there any way to do this, or something like an DSL.emptyArray() method?


  • Why passing emptyList<Any> didn't work

    The Collection accepting overload of DSL.array() expects a Collection<? extends Field<T>>, i.e. a collection of column expressions, not a Collection<? extends T>, which would be a collection of bind values. We can't have both overloads for the usual type erasure reasons, so only the more generic version is offered. But you're passing a List<Any>, not a List<Field<*>>. You could change your code to:


    Why passing null didn't work

    When you pass null, the varargs overload is resolved, which corresponds to ARRAY[NULL] in SQL, an array containing a NULL value.

    How to call the varargs overload

    If you want to work with the varargs overloads, then just pass an empty array:


    Because array types are reified in Java, both varargs overloads exist:

    • array(T...): Accepting bind values
    • array(Field<T>...): Accepting column expressoins

    Regarding array types

    If you're using PostgreSQL, you'll probably have to cast that array expression explicitly to e.g. SQLDataType.VARCHAR.getArrayDataType()


    Using bind values as an alternative

    You can always use bind values or inline values as well:


    In this case, the array type is known to jOOQ, and you don't need to cast it explicitly anymore.