I am writing a function to check whether a tree is a perfect binary tree and here is my code:
#include "binary_trees.h"
* binary_tree_is_perfect - checks if a binary tree is perfect
* @tree: is a pointer to the root node of the tree to check
* Return: If the tree is perfect, it returns 1. Otherwise, it
* returns 0.
int binary_tree_is_perfect(const binary_tree_t *tree)
int check, depth, level;
if (tree == NULL)
return (0);
level = 0;
depth = find_depth_left(tree);
check = isPerfect(tree, depth, level);
return (check);
* find_depth_left - finds the depth of the left most leaf
* in a binary tree
* @tree: is a pointer to the tree to measure the left most
* depth
* Return: The depth of the left most node
int find_depth_left(const binary_tree_t *tree)
if (!tree->left)
return (0);
return (1 + find_depth_left(tree->left));
* isPerfect - helper function to find if a binary tree is perfect
* @depth: this is the left most depth of the tree
* @level: this is the level where to the check is happening
* Return: If the tree is perfect, it returns 1. Otherwise, it
* returns 0.
int isPerfect(const binary_tree_t *tree, int depth, int level)
if (!tree->left && !tree->right)
return (depth == (level + 1));
if (!tree->left || !tree->right)
return (0);
return (isPerfect(tree->left, depth, level + 1) &&
isPerfect(tree->right, depth, level + 1));
My logic: I will find the left most leaf node of the tree (this is just my choice), then I will check whether the nodes will have two children or none with isPerfect
But for every tree I input, I get 0 (meaning the tree is not perfect). This happens even if the tree is a perfect binary tree. Where did my logic go wrong?
First the code was well thought out.
The internal (recursive) functions work on a non-null node.
That would be fine for a OOP, object oriented programming, language, as then
the function could be a member function on the node class binary_tree_t
However here it led to difficulty: find_depth
on a single node tree would logically be 1, not 0.
You could write it with accepting tree parameters as null.
Then level
and depth
bool binary_tree_is_perfect(const binary_tree_t *tree)
int depth = find_depth_left(tree);
int level = 0;
bool check = isPerfect(tree, depth, level);
return check;
int find_depth_left(const binary_tree_t *tree)
if (!tree)
return 0;
return 1 + find_depth_left(tree->left);
bool isPerfect(const binary_tree_t *tree, int depth, int level)
if (!tree)
return level == depth;
if (!tree->left != !tree->right)
return false;
return isPerfect(tree->left, depth, level) &&
isPerfect(tree->right, depth, level);
So it was a semantic (=in meanding) difference between level
and depth
For the logic it would have been better to use one variable: expectedDepth
bool binary_tree_is_perfect(const binary_tree_t *tree)
int expectedDepth = find_depth_left(tree);
bool check = isPerfect(tree, expectedDepth);
return check;
int find_depth_left(const binary_tree_t *tree)
return !tree ? 0 : 1 + find_depth_left(tree->left);
bool isPerfect(const binary_tree_t *tree, int expectedDepth)
if (!tree)
return 0 == expectedDepth;
if (!tree->left != !tree->right)
return false;
return expectedDepth >= 0 &&
isPerfect(tree->left, exoectedDepth - 1l) &&
isPerfect(tree->right, expectedDepth - 1);
expectedDepth >= 0 &&
is probably not needed as you took the expected depth from the left most leaf, as then the left subtree's isPerfect will return false. Interesting is it not?