I've type:
export type ButtonProps = {
href?: string;
to?: string;
link?: React.ElementType;
And when i use <Button />
with this type and pass to
or href
, i want to change link
to require prop. Like:
if (href || to) then => link is required
I tried add some generic type:
type RequireAtLeastOne<T, Keys extends keyof T = keyof T> =
Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Keys>>
& {
[K in Keys]-?: Required<Pick<T, K>> & Partial<Pick<T, Exclude<Keys, K>>>
Which i find typescript interface require but it didn't help in my case.
You can use something like this:
export type ButtonProps = {
to: string;
link: string;
} | {
href: string;
link: string;
} | undefined
const props1: ButtonProps = {
to: "asd",
link: "123"
const props2: ButtonProps = {
href: "asd",
link: "123"
// Error
const props3: ButtonProps = {
to: "asd",
// Error
const props4: ButtonProps = {
href: "asd",