protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode = 1 && resultCode = RESULT_OK && data!=null){
imagePath = data.getData();
I don't understand why it gives me this error.
I'm trying to make a profile picture changer and when the picture is selected, it shows the new profile picture.
Your code is a good example why it is "dangerous" to do equality comparisons:
requestCode = 1 && resultCode = RESULT_OK && data!=null
This could be split up in
requestCode = 1
resultCode = RESULT_OK
data != null
Of the three comparisons probably only the last gets evaluated as you intended.
The first two are actually assignements that assign a value on the right side of the =
to the variable on the left side. But even an assignement is evaluated to something and that something is the value that's assigned to the left side, so requestCode = 1
not only assigns the int
value 1
to requestCode
but also evaluates to 1
in total.
Then the int
results of the comparisons are combined via the &&
operator, but that does only work on boolean
values, and that is where the error comes from.
You probably wanted to write requestCode == 1 && resultCode == RESULT_OK && data != null
(N.B.: in C it's even worse, because there you can combine ints with the && operator, and the whole statement would not be thrown back by the compiler. There you should always write the constant first, like 1 == requestCode
because even if you forget on of the =
, the compiler cannot assign a value to the constant on the left side, while the comparison doesn't care about the order of the operands.)