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In CUDA, what instruction is used to load data from global memory to shared memory?

I am currently studying CUDA and learned that there are global memory and shared memory.

I have checked the CUDA document and found that GPUs can access shared memory and global memory using ld.shared/st.shared and instructions, respectively.

What I am curious about is what instruction is used to load data from global memory to shared memory?

It would be great if someone could let me know.


__global__ void my_function(int* global_mem)
    __shared__ int shared_mem[10];
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        shared_mem[i] = global_mem[i];  // What instrcuton is used for this load operation?


  • In the case of

    __shared__ float smem[2];
    smem[0] = global_memory[0];

    Then the operation is (in SASS)

    LDG  Rx, [Ry]
    STS  [Rz], Rx

    To expand a bit more, read


    instruction meaning
    LDS load from shared space
    LDC load from constant space
    LDG load from global space
    LD generic load - space deduced from the supplied address