I am attempting to write data to my GQL schema so that I can then query it. I have the data as a json. This is my first GQL project and the documentation surrounding mutations is confusing me. Everything works and I can query with just the query, but when I add the mutation to insert data, everything breaks. Any help is appreciated.
Here is the code that I have for my schema:
const typeDefs = gql`
type MastodonStatus {
status_id: String!
user_id: String!
user_url: String
acct_name: String!
disp_name: String
status_content: String!
status_url: String
# queries
type Query {
getAllStatus: [MastodonStatus!]
type Mutation {
insertStatus(status_id: String!, user_id: String!, user_url: String, acct_name: String!, disp_name: String, status_content: String!, status_url: String)
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getAllStatus() {
Mutation: {
insertStatus: (parent, args) => {
return {status_id:args.status_id,
This is throwing the following error:
throw (0, _syntaxError.syntaxError)(
GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected ":", found "}".
at syntaxError (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/error/syntaxError.js:15:10)
at Parser.expectToken (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:1397:40)
at Parser.parseFieldDefinition (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:838:10)
at Parser.optionalMany (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:1492:28)
at Parser.parseFieldsDefinition (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:822:17)
at Parser.parseObjectTypeDefinition (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:794:25)
at Parser.parseDefinition (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:172:23)
at Parser.many (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:1511:26)
at Parser.parseDocument (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:122:25)
at Object.parse (/Users/zach/code/csc557_web/grad_project/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.js:32:17) {
path: undefined,
locations: [ { line: 21, column: 4 } ],
extensions: [Object: null prototype] {}
I am on Node 18.11, this is my package.json
"dependencies": {
"apollo-server": "^3.11.1",
"express": "^4.18.2",
"graphql": "^16.6.0",
"mysql": "^2.18.1"
You need to return a type from your mutation. The parser is expecting something like:
insertStatus(status_id: String!, …remaining args): SomeType
In your case since you're inserting a MastodonStatus
object, I suggest returning what you inserted:
insertStatus(status_id: String!, …remaining args): MastodonStatus