I use spring doc 1.6.12:
I have following controller method:
@PostMapping(produces = "application/hal+json")
@ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.CREATED)
public Mono<ResponseEntity<MyDTO>> upload(
@RequestBody Flux<ByteBuffer> data,
@RequestHeader(name = CONTENT_LENGTH) long contentLength,
@RequestHeader(name = CONTENT_TYPE, required = false) MediaType contentType,
@RequestHeader(name = CONTENT_DISPOSITION) @ContentDispositionConstraint ContentDisposition contentDisposition,
@RequestParam(name = "archive", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean archive,
@RequestParam(name = "folder", required = false) @Pattern(regexp = FOLDER_PATTERN) String folder,
@RequestParam(name = "folderOwner", required = false) String folderOwner,
@RequestParam(value = "folderUuid", required = false) UUID folderUuid,
@RequestParam(name = "expirationDate", required = false) Instant expirationDate,
JwtAuthenticationToken jwtToken,
ServerHttpRequest request) {
In swagger ui I see:
So I have no button to upload file. Is there way to acheve it ?
If I change
@RequestBody Flux<ByteBuffer> data
@RequestPart ("file") MultipartFile data,
I see the upload button in swagger but underlying code depends on Flux<ByteBuffer> data
so I don't wanna change it.
I think that it will be displayed if you use @Schema.
@Schema(type = "string", format = "binary") @RequestBody Flux<ByteBuffer> data